The Minnesota Association of Library Friends is a 501(c)3 private foundation. As such, a large part of our
Evy Nordley Award for Best Project by Friends of the Library: Minnesota libraries treasure Friends of the Library groups not only for the financial support they provide, but for the original ideas and innovative projects they generate on behalf of the library and its goals. Each year, MALF recognizes such initiative with its ‘Best Project Award by Friends of the Library.’ Top prize is $1,000 and a custom plaque. Two runners-up receive a Certificate of Recognition and smaller monetary prize. [MORE]
Chris D. Olson Event & Programming Grant: A library’s Friends organization is one of its most valuable resources – a wellspring for innovative event and fundraising ideas. But while creativity and initiative may not be in short supply, funds to kick-start such programs usually are. In our continuing efforts to bridge that gap, MALF’s event and programming grant provides Friends with funds earmarked for new events and programs. [MORE]
Goss/Nordley Start-Up Grant: This fund provides grants to help defray the many expenses associated with creating new Friends of the Library groups in public, academic or special libraries. Grant amounts of up to $1,000 are available. Applications are accepted throughout the year and reviewed by MALF board members at their regularly-scheduled meetings. [MORE]
Stand Up for Standout Friends: Every Friends group boasts at least a few standout members – movers and shakers whose dedication, creativity and boundless energy drive the organization forward. In recognition of this fact, MALF created the Stand Up for Standout Friends recognition program. Each year, every member organization is invited to put forward the name of one individual for this special honor. Among other perks, honorees receive a certificate of achievement from MALF and recognition at that fall's Saturday Splash mini-conference. [MORE]